Best results by Chris, Greg, Tim and Hiro

Are they scared of the experiment?

Another try.

THROW by Hui Jin.
It was like the best physics lesson yet. More of this kind of lessons will be great.
-Wei Jie
ok, there's also food:D and lots of fun. so please try to go. we're having lots of fun organising it. so volunteer to help please! (being involved in th planning process bonds us too)
OH, & please remember to bring an extra set of clothes and towels! we'll remind you closer to the day. just informing you.
AND, AND, this is super important, BRING S$10 by this week! (i know, we'll be handling $390. we'll be really transparent about the budget and stuff. AND WE DO FOLLOW THE BUDGET!)
Oh ya, go ask your parents abt it ok. we need to know who's going and who's staying. thanks, thanks, thanks.
-hui jin!!!