Right. It's been a while since I've made a post here, and I never really thought I'd end up making a post like this anyway, and of all places, here, lol.
Nevertheless, that aside.
What's with Vincent Watch anyway? "-_-
I'm not worth being stalked. =.=
Now then, it's been quite a long time since I've actually... 'flamed'. And no, I don't intend to do so... yet. Not unless a certain someone compels me into doing so anyway.
Hence, please understand that the potential following words I may say are nowhere near a flame. I am only writing an essay for which I shall, hopefully, albeit rather fruitlessly, try to enlighten a certain lost soul.
And for me to be wasting my time in an activity I have not partook in for almost a year, this certain lost soul has definitely got on my nerves... more or less... not to the point of making me fume though.
Why, I'm pretty much certain some of you would have guessed who it is, isn't it?
Anyway, in case there are some rather bombastic words, keep a dictionary beside you.(Just kidding =x)
After so much mindless blabbering, I won't type it... yet. (anti-climax lmao)
If word of mouth fails then I will, tomorrow.
Because... what I write/type is infinitely, or to put, wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy harsher than what I say out...