Camped at Changi Airport from 2/8/2008 2330 to 3/8/2008 0715 to send Heng Kiat off this morning. The air-con was like freaking cold lar, due to the fact I was in T3 departure hall for 5hrs straight. The first two hours I was at T1 enjoy my cappuccino :D. Heng Kiat finally came at 0550, followed by our Part C's PS at 0610. Then 'ahem' CSM 'ahem' called to say cannot come airport to send him off.
We then spammed call all those who said they coming the day b4 but MIA one. Everyone was like asleep when we call them lor, so pro man. Then our HOT Kenny came and quickly joined by Astrid, which we start to talk crap lar.
Josephine came next, followed by Mark(3A), who smartly walked to the counter for checking in when we all sitting at one side. Kenny went to call him and again start talking crap lar, like the NCC girl always kekanan lurus one and many things lar.
Joel(3A) the best man. He come at like 0705 when he got SL thingy at 0830 at Yishun then still can slowly walk. When the SL head for Yishun, they all blame each other like mad lor.
OK lar, enough of words, just look at the Group photos.

7 People that when to sent HK off.
1 more than CSM I think.

The few Part Cs who were there.
So many MIA sia.
-Wei Jie

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